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some words about us

Introducing the company

Swiss Nigerian Foods Limited was initially to born out of the passion to reduce post harvest loses on smallholder farmers and and improve their poverty level


Swiss Nigeria Foods is tireless in staying abreast of innovation, product development, and consumer trends.


We recognize that by working collaboratively, across our entire supply chain with relevant associations, businesses, and organizations, we can surpass challenges in a more efficient and mutually beneficial manners.

Swiss Nigerian Foods Limited was created out of the desire to introduce chemical free foods into the Nigerian Market. But as time went on we discovered that small holder farmers, more especially women have other very pressing needs that hinder them from producing enough to sustain their families, thus forcing them to use their young ones for street hawking with its attendant risks. We saw numerous problems which include use of traditional implement and seedlings which result to very poor yields; Difficulty in accessing fund from the banks, lack of education which hinders them from adapting to climate changes and weather variability; Lack of  access to market which result to high post harvest loses; sometimes more than 40%, etc.

So a few years ago, we decided to introduce a program which gives access to farm equipment, improved seedlings, training and small finance on our unique franchise basis to the smallholder farmers. Then we buy their products, process them into chemical free foods, package at affordable prices and sell or link them to other processors. With six hundred Naira and two farmers in 2017, we have grown our number to over 360 grateful famers recorded turnover of over three hundred and sixty nine million Naira, And our products having presence in ten States of the Federation and outside the country.

We produce and market both bulk products and small ready to use packs.



Why Swiss Nigerian Foods

Swiss Nigerian Foods has the capacity to deliver full range of bulk spices, seasonings and food ingredients and vegetables to B2B customers and support a very large number of smallholder farmers

Over three hundred and sixty smallholder farmers cultivating between 1080- 1800 hectares of land and producing between 29,000 to 45,000 tons of vegetables.
Processing Capacity
Metric tons of raw material annually
 A team of highly trained and certified staff

Ethos and Philosophy 1 Quality Policy 1 Quality Policy Swiss Nigerian Foods Limited is committed to the consistent production and sale of high-quality and chemical free foods and vegetables, seasonings and aromatic herbs that are sourced from smallholder farmers that meet and exceed our customers, consumers, and regulatory requirements, due attention given to the requirements of the NIS ISO 9001:2015 Standard and The NAFDAC



Our vision is to become leading food manufacturers in Africa and one stop help to smallholder farmers focused on gaining market leadership through innovative products, services and operational excellence and strategic partnerships.



  • Our mission is to eradicate poverty among smallholder farmers in Nigeria and help reduce the number of people that go to bed hungry.



Partnering with dedicated smallholder farmers, equipment rental companies ASTC and Tractors association of Nigeria, and a host of brokers and distributors.

No 2 Gurum road Mista Ali Jos Plateau State Nigeria                                                                 Customer care  +234 8031182278

You can trust us

Our processes comply with all necessary regulatory standards with a view to facilitating relationships across borders; employing the best quality parameters towards playing deeply in the local and global market.